Sunny's Notebook

Banned from Broadcast: April's Films

Short reviews of every movie I watched in April.

Welcome to the fourth installment of my movie review series! After having slacked off last month (only coming around to 12 films in total), this month saw me getting back into average-ish territory, having watched 20 feature-length and short films.

Seven of those alone were Tsai Ming-liang films. What can I say? It's my boy! His is also the first filmography I can see myself complete at some point in the future – assuming I can find all of his lesser known works.

This month marked the first time where the number of relevant posters turned out to be a prime number (20 - 1), meaning I can't evenly divide the poster collages below. Minor inconvenience, grr.

While writing this post and adding the TMDB links, I noticed that, apparently, they now have a vibe ranking, which allows users to not just rate films on a scale from 0 to 100, but also on, well, vibes: How did this movie make you feel? Happy, interested, surprised, sad, disgusted, afraid or angry? How much of that emotion did you feel? Were you just a little scared or absolutely terrified?

This is such a cool, unique, dumb, interesting, odd idea. I don't know. I could keep listing adjectives. It's weird but I love it. I'd love to see which movie currently has the most "disgusted" votes.

Also – I know, I know – I didn't publish anything non-movie related this month. I did actually have a post lined up about Vocaloid. It's a unique, fascinating medium that defies definition, but in the end, the post just didn't work out. But that's life. Until next time, whenever that may be!