Sunny's Notebook

Eyeballs in the Darkness: January’s Films

Short reviews of every movie I watched in January.

If you know me – or have read some of my previous posts – you know that I'm a big fan of all kinds of media. Movies, games, TV shows, music, you name it. Back in 2019 and 2020, I listened to one album a day for a year, and in doing so, drastically expanded my musical horizon.

At the same time, the number of movies and shows on my watchlist has been steadily increasing, now spanning 304 entries at the time of writing. (Or 303? Trakt shows both numbers interchangeably, no idea what's up with that.)

In any case, I already wanted to do a similar challenge in 2021, but with films, setting the bar at 300 in a year. However, I ultimately had to cancel that plan just a few months in due to personal reasons. This year, I want to try again – I want to clear (or at least start clearing) my watchlist.

There will be no end goal like in 2021, the plan is just to watch as many films as I can. And to keep myself somewhat accountable, I decided to, at the end of each month, publish a post with a list and short reviews of what I watched the past 30-ish days on this blog.

My hope is also that, through this series, its readers (you) will find some new media they (you) may not have been aware of before, and maybe even end up liking it.

This is the first installment of that series.

And that concludes January! 19 films in 31 days – not too shabby, if I do say so myself.

I'm still trying to figure out the format of these posts, so don't be surprised if the February one ends up being different. I'm also thinking of shortening the reviews a bit more, but...

Eh, you know what? I'll just take it as it comes. Thanks for reading. Be good, support your local cinema, and see you next month!