Sunny's Notebook

V/H/S/94: March's Films

Short reviews of every movie I watched in March.

This is the third installment of my year-long series in which I review all movies I watched. See the January edition for details.

I'll admit, I slacked off a bit this month. After having watched 19 films in January and 22 in February, if I look at my watched history for last month, I can only count 12 entries – with a lot of them being short films.

The main reason for this is that there was just a lot of IRL stuff to do this month, so much so that, at the end of many days, I didn't have the energy (or even time) to put something on and concentrate on it for two hours.

That being said, I do hope that I can get back to the pace of the previous months in April. Fingers crossed!

While, yes, I have been way less active this month than in the ones before, this challenge I set for myself is already bearing fruit: After three months, I'm now almost at the number of films I watched in the entirety of 2022 (52 vs. 59), which already feels like an achievement.

Also – I meant to include this last month, but forgot about it, and it also doesn't fit anywhere, but I wanted to put it out there anyway, for the record – after a lot of thinking I have concluded that Tsai Ming-liang is my favorite filmmaker, period. No further conditions. Goodbye, Dragon Inn? Perfect. Days? Amazing. The entirety of his Walker series? Mesmerizing. I have nothing more to add.